I was attempting greenscreening... My skin is green... So this is what I get. I get to be a ghost. Next up: bluescreening
Just thought I'd casually post a picture of the wall in my room in MTrail castle... All three are from voting. Got the first one a couple of months ago, and Owen kept pestering me, wanting me to sell it. The second and third came a week or two ago. Every day, I vote using my iPod and log on with MineChat to claim the rewards. Due to the utter derpiness in MineChat, it barely ever shows me the messages, so at the end of one week when I logged on with proper Minecraft, I discovered that I had gotten lucky twice and got 2 more nether stars.
Since I haven't been able to get on the server in a while, my memories are stored in these screenshots. Lego's memories (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Lego's memories (open) Lego's memories (close) Lego's memories (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Lego's memories (open) Lego's memories (close) Lego's memories (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Lego's memories (open) Lego's memories (close) Mndude and Dzyriq Me and my clone Me losing my head Glitched chests #Foreveralone A tree.