Staff Appreciation

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Kenny, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Aqua

    Aqua Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Faith in humanity: restored
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  2. Why not just make smaller pics of all and then put ''The wonderful staff'' :D lol and nice from you to write this ;)
    They deserve it :)
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Scryercloak

    Scryercloak Active Member

    Mar 14, 2012
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    First of all Natbyte, thank you. I have no clue as to what messes you must tolerate to bring together not only a group of responcible people you can trust to keep your world enjoyable but to create a world that envisions not only our dreams for a fun place but yours as well. Thank you for all you had to do to get this far.
    Kenny, this I think has been very much overdue and I'm kicking myself ever so much for not thinking of this first. I had a very hard time starting off on this server. The first 5 mins I was killed by a player who didn't know the rules and I continued to starve to death 4 times in a row, restarting from spawn each time in my uneducated attempts to get the fuck out of spawn! (shakes head)
    It took Bajj smaking me over the head with a little /back message. learning /r to say Thanks took a few more days ^^ I then spent the next hour retrieving my last death drop and slowly made it to a mountain, said fuck it and started digging a home only to find a glass wall on the other side >.> meeting Stylether. FlyingMonkey set up my first region and Dettles my second, other mods helped as well. Dzyriq helped me remove an abandoned house after I had already began to tear it down (oops!) and was kind enough not to jail my newbish ass immediately. Thr0ttie, Pocnet, Dannylb, Stanky2, have all been supportive in my creative ventures and hell even the returning admin I tried to spell out what I thought was an acronym for his name XD.
    What do you think MrGiantNaughtyF'nCuntBastard thought when I told him my guess? _._ dear gods I shit myself expecting an insta ban for insulting a damn near worshiped lead admin only days after his return when he said it was MagnificentBastard >.< I felt like a MagnificentJerk and proceeded to appologize til I was blue O.O
    My appologies for anyone I may have ommited by mistake, but my point is Every Mod and Every Admin that I have ever met on this server has been accepting and tolerant to a degree that truly deserves more than 2 or 3 recognitions,.... Please post your agreements, add your likes, Give me a woot or a Hell yeah and send your appreciation to the staff of this server that keep this game running smoothly while we sit around crafting our dreams in their place. This ain't no prediction,... it's the damn truth.
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  4. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I just became traveller today :D theres not much on, and yeah, I am gonna miss being a donator, theres was hardly any taking that into consideration, I switched :D only took a day lol, well 1 day to look, one to get stuck, and the other to have LA fix it. so now I will use my compass and SG abilities to further help the server
  5. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    This reply is overdue, but if there weren't such good players on the server, being a staff would have no meaning. :)

    3 cheers for Blackreaver's Demise a.k.a! :D
  6. Omg Kenny! Grats! :D
    Can u make me some stargates....i need about 10 :p Ill pay 200g :D
  7. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    sure, provide the materials :D
  8. Okie Dokie.....doing something atm but ill do it later....k?
  9. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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  10. ruffles589

    ruffles589 Active Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Love that ruffles
  11. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    ok, well went with the cake idea, and its set up, so message me in game for the stargate for a relaxing little time with cake :D Staff only
  12. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I had scrapped so many ideas I wanted to do for this and the only one that keeps coming back is the pics in game lol. just not any place to put it really, except here but I dont like spamming the thread lol. if there was a spot created for the pictures, Ill take them and upload them :)
  13. jojo2o2

    jojo2o2 Active Member

    Apr 18, 2012
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    what! i tryed this and fails but i look at this and it wins!
  14. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    yay! the staff definitely deserve this! and scryercloak, i know EXACTLY what you mean when you said that you kept on starving to death, and i was told by a staff member as well(i think it was dettles) and my first region was set up by dettles. these guys deserve so much thanks for the efforts they put into the server, and i think they deserve more respect.(especially from the outcasts who only just saw the sign and started swearing like hell, and occasionally at the staff) and that i think someone should do an event to thank the staff of the server.