Warning: You need strong feels.

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Neddzy, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    To me you are saying that only the end result is what we need to know, but knowing the end of the story does no good for me in regards to fully understanding it. The reason is everything imho, because without knowing the reason, there is no chance of fixing/preventing it for yourself or others. Some depressions can be helped, but some depressions have stronger causes that imo may never be fixed, like something you've done in the past that you will never forgive yourself for or can never be undone(murder, rape (offender / victim), causing a person to suicide, etc..). If you tell a therapist your sad and not why, you're going no where and they cant do anything to help.
    I don't need to watch this video just to see there are sad people out there. If I don't understand why, then I'm not getting anything out of it and it becomes irrelevant to me.
    And yes, I am / have been experiencing depression for years now. No need to go further into my problems.

    edit - This was in the description of the video
    "My experiences with violence in schools still echo throughout my life but standing to face the problem has helped me in immeasurable ways...." -Shane

    That is basically the end point of the video, but that alone means nothing to me. Its watching the video and being able to somewhat experience what they were back then that makes all the difference.
  2. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Alright, Let me ask it this way. For what good does it do you having to understand it fully? That sounds very close to exhaustion and burnout road, from my experiences. Your reply sounds like (to me - correct me if I'm wrong), you are trying to prepare for everything or *avoid* being depressed by someone elses trigger. Which is very close to paranoia.

    My depression is linked to stinking thinking , but also a chemical imbalance in my head.

    I respect your viewpoint (but, ironically,) I don't understand your why (or rather I do understand the why all too well), so your reasons for wanting to know why is irrelevant to me. I have learned to NOT ask why so much, since I don't need to know everything. Needing to know everything leads me to paths I don't want to go again.

    Sorry, my thoughts are a bit jumbled there. Basically, I know, that I dont need to know why someone is depressed, to empathise with other hurting people. Just that they are hurting is enough for me to feel with/for them. For whatever reason or triggers (often personal to individuals), depression is something I have / am walking through, and I have seen the devastation that depression can bring. I want to help or comfort other people walking through depression, if I have the opportunity to. I don't need a reason "Why they are depressed."

    Make sense?

    p.s I can't answer your original question, because I wasn't paying much attention to why the kid was depressed. I was "swept" away by the poetry and pain in the words.
  3. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I'm in no way trying to prepare or avoid someone else's "trigger" lol. I wrote a nice big reply answering everything and asking you questions, but decided not to post because it is going somewhat off topic, or at least it would lead to off topic stuff. Also, my Internet went out for a few hours right as I was posting it, so... meh :D.
    I'll answer it and end it with this.
    The reason why I want to know the reason for their depression is the same reason why you want to know the reason why I want to know the reason - because we have our reasons ^^ (reasonception).
  4. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Ironicially XD.
    High five.