I would recommend moving the PC off of the carpet any way you can. Try to put it on something that will not create static. It would be a shame if somehow you managed to shock it with static and fry it. It doesn't happen often but it does happen and a lot of the time it is from being moved while on carpet or not being properly grounded when working on the pc.
Messy as hell: Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Its cause im always working on stuff Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler My ancient Thermaltake case. Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler From the front: Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler And a reminder of what my last setup looked like, when I was rooming with someone else: Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler
Its actually all routers and switches. I want to get a 4U rackmount case for my old PC though, so I can have it be a little easier to work with.
Looks like you were havin some fun building something! Might I ask what it is? lol (open) lol (close) Also nice piece.
Ive been messing with my Arduino again. Right now im working on something to test RC receivers and servos. Its more of an exercise in menu design and using interrupts. Its been kinda mindbending since the arduino has just 2k of RAM so complex menus with lots of strings can choke it pretty quickly. And the piece im guessing youre referring to is a Smith and Wesson model 10-5, loaded with six rounds of Winchester JHP .38sp +P.
For kicks, my setup on my desktop hasn't changed much: circa 2007 Q4400 Intel 2.4ghz 4gb ram Nvidia geforce 750gtx 2x Asus ve247h monitors (24"). Nothing spectacular, but I get a constant 120 fps or more (I limit it because a spike from 190 to 120 can be devastating. I did just purchase a new laptop...... ASUS N550JK 15" Touch Display 16gb RAM 256 SSD Intel 4710HQ I7 @ 2.4ghz (unclocked) NVidia Geforce GTX 850M (2gb dedicated memory). That coupled with my 50mbps internet should give way for some pretty good gaming in the near future.
I just bought and pieced together a new computer here are the specs: ASRock 990FX Extreme9 AMD motherboard AMD FX-8350 Black Edition Vishera 8-Core 4.0GHz XFX Double D R9-280A-TDFD Radeon R9 280 3GB 384-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 SeaSonic Platinum-1000 1000W ATX12V / EPS12V 80 PLUS PLATINUM Certified Full Modular Power Supply CORSAIR XMS3 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3 Sadly i only have crappy monitor at the moment as i ran out of money buying the above parts but hopefully in the next couple of months i'll be able to get a sweet monitor. I'll take and post pictures of my rig and desk once i tidy it up
Ehm.. Did you get that build looked at by /r/buildapc? This build is all over the place... - You picked a good CPU but ONLY IF you do a lot of rendering and multi-tasking. If you are gaming a lot than you should've gone with an i5 and a z87/z97 motherboard, or h97 if you aren't overclocking. - That card is fine but going for a 280x would've made a huge difference. - Your power supply is 1000 watts. Your build is probably drawing 400-500 watts AT MAX. You could've saved a ton of money and purchased a 500-600 watt power supply. Also, you really don't need platinum certification. That PSU will power a computer 4 times as big as yours. If I were you I'd check the return policy and get a smaller one. - You could've gotten much cheaper RAM, and again unless you are an insane multitasker you don't need 16GB of RAM. Some people do but most people don't. - What case did you pick? - Always factor in a good 1920x1080 monitor for the build. I hope your current monitor is that resolution or you could've build a WAY cheaper computer to max out games on a monitor lower than the standard today which is 1080p. I don't mean to make you feel bad but these are just my opinions..
Nope didn't look at any sort of build just looked at what was in my price range and what looked like the best i could get. I also had a friend help me with recommendations and the like. I am honestly really happy with the build i made, though i wish i could have gotten a better graphics but they were out of my price range right now. Honestly i have always been a fan of AMD which is why i went with it. Would intel be a better cpu? probably, but who cares. . . the reason i chose the power supply was so that i can easily add more and more powerful video cards when i can afford it. Also i got an incredible deal on it so i am pretty happy, and it was cheaper then the one my friend originally recommended. . . As far as memory that was the cheapest 16gigs i could find that was a decent speed/brand. Also you would be surprised at how much ram minecraft will use when you have a ton of mods and your at max render distance. Also yes i do like the fact i can multi-task to my hearts content esp once i get a real monitor for this computer and have dual monitors to possibly have two games open at once and multiple other programs going at the same time. (i can always play the how many tabs can i have open at once in my web browser. . .) For the case i got the Roswell Thor v2 full tower gaming case. Like i said in the above post i will be getting a nice monitor in just a couple of months and will be using my current as a second monitor. . . Honestly i dislike your attitude towards me and appalls me for you to put me down like that as if i was some idiot who knows nothing. COMPLETELY unacceptable especially as a member of staff to act in that manner, you could have worded it better and been a hell of a lot nicer and been more constructive then negative and elitist. . . Also, next time your "giving your opinion" don't do it not such a negative and demeaning way cause saying "just my opinions" doesn't entitle you to be a jackass, just my opinion. . .
Wow! My opinions have nothing to do with me being staff.. Especially when it comes to computer parts.. As a member of staff here I'll apologize to you but as someone trying to help you make your computer better I am also appalled in the manor in which YOU responded. I thought maybe you'd understand I was being friendly, but obviously I didn't put enough smiley faces in my post to comfort you. I'd be afraid if I was your teacher grading your paper. I was just trying to help you from an experienced point of view and try to save you some money but obviously you mis-understood the tone I was typing in so thanks for making me feel like I did something wrong and putting me down. I'll never try to help you again, believe me. Why are people so edgy about computer parts?
Well, not everyone is looking for help on their PC build. Theres no way in hell im going to ask some neckbeard from reddit about what parts to put in my PC. Ive never needed to before, and im not going to start. For the most part, unless youre going to lay down serious cash, the performance differences between systems are slight enough that most people arent going to notice a difference between them. You may *think* you do, but its placebo effect at its finest. The 1080p thing is a good example. Both of my monitors are 1680x1050 because I prefer 16:10. Am I missing anything by not having the vaunted 1080p resolution? Sure doesnt seem like it. Remember, not everyone builds their PC for the same reason, or enjoys games in the same way as everyone else. And fill, you built your first PC not too long ago, I honestly wouldnt count your opinion as experienced just yet. Frizzalot, I think you made a good choice to go with a larger PSU. My PSU was massively overspecced when I bought it. Its run two builds in five years now, and has never had issues. Two of my friends who bought PSUs closer to what their systems pulled had to replace them.
Your right your opinions have nothing to do with being staff, and i never said that. I did say your actions and how you brought your opinion across does. . . I also replied to you in the first part of my message as if you didn't come across as an elitist jackass to try and offer you insight to why i chose what i chose. Only at the end did i call you out on your behavior towards me because you admitted that it sounded like what you wrote would make me feel bad about what you posted and that it was just "your opinion". I think it is silly to justify your actions of being demeaning and belittling my decisions in affect calling me stupid for making them by calling it "your opinion". . . So yes your actions and they way you brought your "opinion" across are unacceptable for a member of staff as you are supposed to be the example of how to act on the server and forums. . . I am in no way offended by your opinions merely how you brought them across to me. I think you brought up some interesting ideas and fairly sound reason behind your opinions but i have my own opinions and my own reasons behind why i chose what i chose and that's why i addressed those before i called you out on your behavior. On a side note i never asked for advice and that is not what this thread was about, it was about showing and telling what you had in your set up and certainly wasn't the place to give harsh criticism over something i already bought and put together with my hard earned money. . .
Fill did nothing to you.. he gave you tips and tried to you save money, so if anyone is being the jackass it is you, because you are accusing Fill of all of these bad things but in reality it is you. Opinions are opinions and that is all Fill said.. you just made it 100% more dramatic.
My shitty computer Specs: HP 2000 Laptop AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 1.30 GHz 4GB Ram (I need to upgrade.. If I can ) iHome Mouse Ehh.. basically it, hoping to save my money for a computer next year
Thanks for saying that ricio but I will admit I was being kinda rude and it was kind of out my place to be calling you out like that, so I'm sorry frizz, you are right in your defenses and I had no reason to judge the build you pieced together with your money.
Thank you for the apology Fill, and i am sorry i called you a jackass, i honestly don't think you are or that you were being one, i was just annoyed and upset.
Ok so in a couple of years from now I'm thinking of buying a setup, but I got a few problems: -I don't even know HOW to set up a PC build -I don't know WHAT specs I should get -I don't even know WHERE to put everything I'm pretty good with technology but when it comes to plugging all the cords in their proper places I'm just a plain noob at that. So all I'm asking for is you guys' suggestions of what my setup should look like and what I should get, but nothing overly expensive. Please?
My budget is pretty low, unfortunately, but then again it's not like I'm getting it tomorrow. And what do you mean by "what do you want to do with it"?